Oct 23, 2007

do things immediately

I used to do everything slowly, because I was lazy. However, when I was very young, my mother told me do everything immediately, and now, I thought this is the most important life lesson I learned from my mother. Do everything immediately is a good custom, it will not only makes me do everything effective, but also will makes the people around me feel comfortable. For example, when I work with people in a group, if I do everything very quick, it will encourages others to effort more. Also, to do everything immediately can bring me a lot of spare time, because I use shorter time to work than others, so I will get more time to do anything I like. That is what I think the most important thing I learned form my mother, and I highly recommend you to hold this custom, it is really helpful for your entire life.


Yun said...

lazy boy!!!
Hope I can see your change....

eunyoung's blog said...

Having a good habit is really important because habbits become character.^^ You have good personality.

Maitha said...

I will follow your advice ..

It is really helpful to do things immediately..

Thank you for your advice Marc!

Rebecca K said...

Your mother has taught you a very good lesson. I am still learning about how to not procrastinate--and I am trying to teach my children as well. :)