Dec 3, 2007

The early bird gets the worm

The early bird gets the worm means that a person who gets better result than others by doing something earlier and harder than them. In my opinion, this is the correct way to achieve my goals. When I studied in my high school, I always work very hard, I spent more time on my subjects than other people did. As a result, I was pretty good in my class. However, the effort is not the only important thing, I also think that to get a right method is very efficient for studying. In Chinese, there is another idiom that is the early worm is eaten by bird. Sometimes, although I learn something earlier than others, I do not eventually get a higher score on tests. This is because I do not know how to study efficiently. In conclusion, I want to be a early bird to get the worm and always to choose the correct method to study.

Nov 26, 2007

My dream

In my dream, I hope I will live and study in Iowa City very well. Everyday, I don't need to get up as early as what it is now. I don't need to take bus, I can drive my own car to the university. Also, I wish I can live in a beautiful house in the the downtown, it won't be very large, but it has to be much more lovely than the lodge, and I can walk around at the downtown easier than now. The most important thing for me is to study well, and in my dream, I see that I study very hard, and get A on every subject of mine. I also see that I get a lot of American friends who treat me very well, and I can speak English as well as a native speaker. Sometimes I may write some articles to the local magazines. That really is a dream, it is totally impossible, but life is wired, sometimes you cannot believe that impossible things are always become possible.

Nov 12, 2007

the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is to celebrate Chinese new year. The most exciting things are eating dumplings, watching fireworks, and getting together with families in the new year evening. The reason we eat the dumpling is because of a story, that dumplings look like ears, so to eat them can protect ears, and to protect ear is a way to get rid of the cold winter. The Spring Festival will be continued as long as a month, but most people come back to work after the fifteenth day, which people watch fireworks and get together with families again. In former time, the winter is too cold to farm, so people stay at home to eat food they stored, and this festival give them a chance to relax and prepare for the plantation of the next year. However, nowadays, people use this holiday to go vacation, or to do anything they like, but the most important thing is to reunion with families, and children can get some pocket money from elders.

Nov 6, 2007

Life in America

This picture is took at the lobby of the Lodge, and it is the most beautiful room in the Lodge. My friends and I have already lived in the Lodge more than two months. The quality of serving is good, and the apartment is really nice. Each time I come back from school, I can fully relax just like go back to my home, because to live in the Lodge you have nothing to worry about.

Oct 30, 2007

the fall of Iowa City

The weather has become cold, leaves have changed their color, and the wind has flowed wherever you are--these are characteristics of the fall in my hometown. It makes me surprised that Iowa City has the same fall as my hometown. Therefore, I feel excitied and comfortable in the fall of Iowa City. Although the wind is a little bit chilly, I like to walk around the campus everyday. Because the colors of leaves are changing, I can detect different colors of leaves everyday, which is really interesting. I like the fall because it has some similarities to our life--it changes quickly, and sometimes it is hard to detect. However, because everything is colorful, you can expect anything you think will happen tomorrow. When the fresh air flows on my face every morning, a new day has started. Life is as new as what you will see in the changes of the fall in Iowa City.

Oct 23, 2007

do things immediately

I used to do everything slowly, because I was lazy. However, when I was very young, my mother told me do everything immediately, and now, I thought this is the most important life lesson I learned from my mother. Do everything immediately is a good custom, it will not only makes me do everything effective, but also will makes the people around me feel comfortable. For example, when I work with people in a group, if I do everything very quick, it will encourages others to effort more. Also, to do everything immediately can bring me a lot of spare time, because I use shorter time to work than others, so I will get more time to do anything I like. That is what I think the most important thing I learned form my mother, and I highly recommend you to hold this custom, it is really helpful for your entire life.

Oct 16, 2007

how to overcome the stress

I have been to Iowa for almost two months, but i still cannot communicate with native speakers very well. The most stressful situation for me is when i talk with someone, who totally cannot understand what i am saying. This thing is quite often for everyone of us, and especially for me. Whatever how much vocabulary I learn, I cannot use them in the correct ways, and I cannot pronunciate them well, because English is not my mother language. However, I get some experiences about how to overcome this stress. The most important thing is think about the sentences you just say, make sure the words in the sentences are quite correct to use, and if they still cannot understand, try to use different words, or give them some examples to illustrate what you are going to talk about. Therefore, by using these methods, a native speaker will probably understand what you are saying, and after that, make sure that you need to ask him or her how to say this meaning correctly, that will give you a lot of improvement on English.